What do Project manager do
According to Wikipedia, project manager (thereafter, “PM”) is the person in overall charge of the planning and execution of a particular project. Project managers are first point of contact for any issues or discrepancies arising from within the heads of various departments in an organization before the problem escalates to higher authorities. Project management is the responsibility of a project manager. This individual seldom participates directly in the activities that produce the end result, but rather strives to maintain the progress, mutual interaction and tasks of various parties in such a way that reduces the risk of overall failure, maximizes benefits, and minimizes costs.
What is Project manager also known as
- Project manager: Implementation manager, Project leader
What is a Project
A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning and end in time, and therefore defined scope and resources.And a project is unique in that it is not a routine operation, but a specific set of operations designed to accomplish a singular goal. So a project team often includes people who don’t usually work together – sometimes from different organizations and across multiple geographies.
Why Project manager
Skills that can be used in virtually any industry
It is not a career for the youth, you don't need to worry about getting older.
What is the career path of a PM
- Assistant PM
- PM
- Senior PM
- Chief Operating Officer
Are there industrial focus of PM
Yes, to a certain extent. The general principles apply (so as most of the industries) but each industry differ in their processes, terminologies, budget planning etc.
What is the salary expectation of a PM (2016)
- US: $74,000-$100,000
- HK: HK$560K-800K (3-7 years); HK$820K-HK$1M (8-14 Years); HK$940-HK$1.5M(15+ Years)
- CN: RMB250K-500K
Can PM work freelancer, how and how much
Not so much so in HK, but it does not seem a problem in US, and the salary is $15-$55 per hour; the requirement of a PM is usually coupled with business administration etc.
What are the key skills/knowledge
- Strong communication and organizational skills
- The ability to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously
- An understanding of the functional roles of departments throughout the organization
- A Keen attention to details
- Resource estimation
- Risk management
- Stakeholder management
- AI
- Data Entry
- Procurement
- Telco
- ... ...
What is the tool kit
- Vendor Management System
- Drafting System: ACD
- Development Tracking JIRA/Trello/Kanban
What do you need besides experience
PMP is the certificate but it does not seem relevant in HK, more in US; in HK, a CS/IT degree is very important for such a role
What are the options for a CS/IT degree
- Kaplan University
- Walden University
- Liberty University
- Colorado Technical University
- Pennsylvania State University - World Campus
- University of Illinois at Springfield
- University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
- Regis University
- The University of West Florida
- Oregon State University : US$282,000
- CityU Needs Engineering background http://www.cs.cityu.edu.hk/academic/mscs/admissions.html
- PolyU
- OpenU
- BaptistU
What needs to be done to get a degree
HK: TOEFL test (>80) is needed for the application;
What is project managementhttps://www.pmi.org/about/learn-about-pmi/what-is-project-management
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