I came across an interesting article recently on Gizmono ( Link ) titled “when superintelligent AI arrives, will religions try to convert it”, The key question seems to be simple at the first glance. The commonality among all different interviewees suggest that there is some kind of criteria the Strong AI has to pass to be qualify as human to be relevant to the religion. The complication comes in that different party seems to have different criteria, to summarize: If Strong AI has a soul? If Strong AI has a soul an spirit? And for the very fact that it is about AI and religion, let’s refer to Bible for the definition of spirit. What is the definition of Soul: the spiritual part of humans regarded in its moral aspect , or as believed to survive death and be subject to ha...
Please, test it. The fact you believe in your idea, or that your investor do as well, it means a lot about creating a wonderful team and culture. It does not mean your customer will buy into that. There is a long way between what the market opportunity (as the market analysis and the founder’s vision is) and what the actual product is. Of the thousands of products in different countries that seems to solve the same problem (you may call them competitors if you want), which one will win the customers’ favor now and in the future? Usability test helps to provides insight on that. Or in other words. usability test tells you, at the current state of mind, your customer will most likely find your product to be value if you do … in the following way … and … in the following way ... As you can see, these findings can be translated to what you can include in your MVP, why a certain design or feature did not meet the expect...